Sunday, February 14, 2010

City Lights & Green Delights goes live!

Welcome to a new "green" online blog for learning and sharing sustainable reads, tips and reviews of Toronto shops. I started this blog to share some of the great learnings I am coming across on my own personal journey to lighten my environmental footprint. The purpose of this blog is also for readers to interact and share ideas, opinions and tips on greener ways to live life. I'd like to think I'm not in this alone, that many of us are open to making changes and are willing to help each other out during this transition.

The challenges many of us face when considering "green" changes can be daunting. Whether it is the cost of the alternatives, the perceived ineffectiveness of the available "green" options or the enormity of the task of sifting through marketing and product information, the job of making more ethical decisions can be stifling. Making this whole process easier is the essence of this blog.

I have to thank my amazing parents for always being behind me for whatever adventures I decide to embark upon and for showing me how easy and practical changes like recycling, composting and saving energy are long before it became popular practice. To my sister, brother, friends, family and colleagues, I have learned so much from all of you and hope you enjoy reading the weekly posts and contributing when you have a moment or two.

A former Director of mine at the Barrier Island Environmental Education Program in South Carolina used to tell the staff how important it was to "walk the walk." These words remind me of Gandhi's "Be the change" and how important this is if we really want our quality of life and those of future generations to improve.

Thanks for checking out my blog and visit often. Up next, I break down what "green" means to me and review Adria Vasil's newest book, ECOHOLIC Home.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Kate. Glad to see this up and running and looking forward to following your green journey (and hopefully picking up some crumbs that I can incorporate into my lifestyle in Ottawa too)!
